Try as I might, I just cannot keep Swiper away from the tabloids at the supermarket check-out. He's all, "OMG! I have to find out how Jen stole her man! And what do Brangelina think about it? !!!11!!1
He also likes the beefcake. To each his own, I suppose.
Swiper was present for Richmond history in the making, as 200+ enthusiastic dancers from the community entertained Cultsha Expo attendees with a surprise flashmob! Included in the mob were myself and my friends Shannon and Janet. We want to know when we can do it again.
Here's one of the many videos of the event (quite a few family members of dancers were on hand with cameras). My other favorite, taken from floor level by Janet's hubby, is on yfrog.
We've been in Richmond for 7 years and only just made it to the outdoor portion of the Science Museum of Virginia (where I took double photos for one missed day and the current day). We used to have a membership, but let it lapse because the kids weren't terribly interested. They're older and the museum has gotten even better, and we had our best visit ever, including a game of chess that spanned three generations of cerebral males on my husband's side and lots of young recruited pawn-movers.
Swiper's a little worried about being captured. And with good reason!
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