Divinity is an interesting concept to explore, no less so for an atheist. Does it refer only to a literal god, or does it tap more generally into the qualities humans attribute to their gods? Are those things present whether or not one believes in a soul? Is divinity a fact, an opinion, a state of mind?
I was drawn to Hollywood Cemetery to explore my thoughts, reminded of stone angels, of something alive to others but a little colder and harder, perhaps, to me. On the way, I remembered the mausoleum and my boys and I set out to find and explore it. It was bitterly cold but we were greeted by a beautiful sight. Radiance streaming from heaven? Glorious combination of human creativity and the physics of light? Either way, to me it looked divine.
Griffin, who is seven, picked today's word, which was submitted by the divine Patience, out of a hat. He has decided to join me on this 365 project but missed yesterday's post, so he joins me for the first time today. When we discussed the meanings of "divinity", this is what it evoked for him:
(All of our words this year will come from reader submissions - to suggest a word, post it in the comments and we'll add it to the hat.)