"I rejoice that there are owls," wrote Thoreau in Walden, and I could say the same, but I fear that they will be my undoing. I must have been infected by my exposure in the '70s - one of my mom's favorite coffee mugs (which is now in my cabinet) bore owls and I have a vague recollection of other owl paraphernalia or items bearing owl motifs. At any rate, the 70s seemed full of folkloric designs, quaint birds, gnomes, mushrooms, and pretty much anything that resembles a Waldorf school or vintage shop today.
First I adopted the mug, which my mom didn't seem to want or need any more. (A mushroom mug my dad used to use came with it.) My grandmother parted ways with an old owl necklace (incidentally, her kitchen was done in mushrooms for as long as I can remember). A friend found a little owl mug for me on Etsy as a surprise. I have been wishing for (but not purchased yet) a tiny owl figurine for the mantel. I wished for (and did purchase) a set of owl sheets for my bed. Then I was in an antique store the other day - the same day I impulse-purchased an eighty-year-old typewriter - and came upon the beaut you see at the top of the post. He's absolutely adorable and I knew he'd be coming home with me. He's so hungry and needs a bellyful of cookies.
Can you see where this is going? I never meant for this to happen. I'm in the danger zone at this point. I'm going to become the crazy owl lady. And even if I restrain myself, any second now people are going to start thinking of me as somebody who *collects* owls, and they will start gifting me with owls of their choosing. Which, I fear, I will then need to put up for adoption. Don't do it. Think of the owls.
On the other hand, the owls, those devils, they did this to me. See the glint in their beady little eyes as they watch me eyeball a vintage hook (shaped like an owl, natch) on which to hang my keys? Screw 'em. Every bird for herself.
Even if I manage to fight off the owls, I'm going to have to watch out for Griffin, who has apparently taken to designing traps. He really grokked with the "danger" aspect of the word insidious. He's been asking far too many questions about our alarm system lately, too. Hmmm.
PS: new wide-angle lens arrived today! w00t! Or maybe I should say h00t!
PPS: I seem to be working in two-day batches lately, with the photos taken on the actual assigned day but all the editing/posting work done every other day. Hoping to get back to daily posts.