It was suggested to me yesterday by an honest friend that I might portray myself as a little more put-together and having-all-the-answers than I really am. I'm not completely ready to admit that she's right (I mean, come on, I have an entire enuii category and the occasional honest-about-things-like-spanking post like this one or about lousy days, or about feeling like I don't know what I'm doing).
So, today, I'm going to share with you some recent little things. I'm going to save the big, I-don't-know-how-to-raise-this-kid stuff for some time when I know where the hell to even start with it. Today, a few little things:
♣ I don't know how to get dingleberries off a dog's butt. This is bothering me because a dog is staying (temporarily) with my family, and he has a little problem today with hangers-on, and I may have offended him for life via a handful of baby wipes.
♣ I've known all fall that I might need a passport in January, and now it turns out that I do need a passport in January, yet I haven't filed my application for a passport yet. First-timer (another cause for shame...really? I'm 35 and have never needed a passport? Lame.). Right there I'm already in expedited-applicationland, with the associated fees. So. Got my forms, documents, photocopies, check all ready, went to look up one last thing, and realized that you have to make an appointment to present your application at the Post Office. And there aren't any available until December 6th. Because freaking everybody is trying to get a last-minute passport in December. Smart move, Jess.
♣ Undeterred and unabashed, I call the kids' hair stylist because I haven't written down their appointment time, and I can't remember if it's today or tomorrow. And she's all, " was last Monday." And somehow she had the wrong number for me.
So, even though those are only a few things, now you cannot say that I always put up a front of having my shit together. I am officially handing in my Queen of Organization tiara in exchage for the bells of the Jester of Ineptitude.
Get real in the comments about your own minor lapses of competence, yo. Also, if you would like to see a particular chink in the girl-who-has-it-all-together armor, tell me about it.