My name is Jess, and it has been 21 days since my last blog post.
We won't get into how long it has been since I updated my more personal family-cutesie stuff. I don't even write stuff down any more. Five million cute things have been uttered and gone undocumented. (Oh, wait, today Reese said something about mint gum with a spear through it. Maybe you had to be there.)
I'm wondering how it is possible to have everybody in school for 3 hours, 5 days a week and yet be more busy than before. How I can be organizing things and yet feel so much less organized. How I can go to so many school events and social events and yet feel so disconnected.
Forget the 365 project. I mean, I'm still taking photos, but I'm feeling intimidated by those possessing better skills and more experience than myself, and I'm lacking inspiration, and I've been alternately feeling like bleah, you can't make me pick up the camera and doing stupid dizty things like accidentally turning the camera off and thinking it's a dead battery, and not being prepared for the dead battery, either.
One computer died, and I still need to get it fixed. I need PhotoShop back. I need a monitor on which I can see photos clearly. I would also like to win the lottery, so that I can buy some L glass. I want bokeh so smooth and color so rich and grain so non-existent that you just wanna drink the photos right off the screen.
There's also the part where I'm moving my son from public school (this is where you all say in unison, "but we believe in the public schools!") to a private school, in the middle of the school year, in a prolonged-yet-not-prolonged-enough moment of raw idealism mixed with deliberate repression of the looming budgetary issues. That might be causing some angst. Maybe. In a good way. Mostly. It kinda works in opposition to the whole better-lenses thing, though, but you can't put a price on the importance of a learning environment that actually supports actual learning. Oh, wait. You can put a price on it. And it's worth about 5 pieces of L glass. I can take photos when they're in college, right? Wait, I have to pay for college, too?
Yeah. It's more about creating a creative environment than actually being creative right now.
So it has been dead here. Not that it was ever lively here. I'll try to work on that. Or something.