This year isn't even done yet, I've clearly neglected the Word of the Day and it takes me a week or more to take photos off my camera, yet I'm already thinking about committing to another 365 project. Through the previous project I've learned that in order to do a photo a day, I need either no limitations at all, or a very simple and specific limit. While taking the "no swiping" picture, it occurred to me how much I LOVE the silliness of toy photography. My siblings and I were pretty goofy with puppets and other toys, and that sense has inspired many a shot for me. In fact, a silly toy tradition inspired my very first WOTD photo. I think a toy shot could be simple and fun to do each day. I certainly have a lot of material to work with around here. And posting the images wouldn't require a lot of blogging work - I could simply post the photo, with no text.
So, I think I'm gonna do it. 365 toy photos in 2011. I can handle that, right? It will start off with a challenge almost immediately, since I'll be traveling Dec 31-Jan 8 with very little luggage space. Maybe the first 8-9 days can feature the same toy.
Several times during this past year I considered creating a Tumblr or separate blog just for the 365 project. This seems like a good time to start that. Which would you choose? And what to name it? So far nothing fun enough has come to mind...The Toy Box, Batteries Not Included, PhotoPlay, No Swiping (maybe just do a Swiper 365? Or Swiper and an occasional guest?), Out to Play, ToyLand (you can return again). Nothing is striking me at the moment. Except perhaps the Swiper idea.
Got ideas?